
"And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." - Acts 2:42

DNA: Discover, Nurture, Act

How did you see God at work in your life this week?
What has God been teaching you in His word?
What kind of conversations are you having with pre-Christians?
What good can we do around here? How can we help you in prayer?
These are some of the questions that might be discussed in small groups that meet once a month.
Let's follow Christ together.
Women's Ministry

Women at the well

The story of Jesus and the outcast woman at the well is a rich example of love, truth, redemption, and acceptance. As he did with the woman, Christ has pulled all of us out of destruction and made us new creatures to serve Him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and blessedness.
Children's Ministry

Feed my lambs

Jesus tasked Peter to feed His lambs, the little ones who needed the most care. It is the work of the Holy Spirit for us to nourish faith in the hearts of our children and cause that faith to grow.

Our current Children's Ministry lesson plan is:
 "The Attributes of God"
Men's Ministry

Fishers of men

When Jesus told his disciples to follow Him and become fishers of men, He wanted them to grow the kingdom of God. The Great Commission is to make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey everything He has commanded.

Christian Confirmation

CYPRESS CHAPEL believes that the central and most important teaching in the Bible is the Gospel, the good news of God's gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Through the Confirmation process, your child will learn these and other central tenants of the Christian faith, including:

the gospel

We cannot really understand how good the message of the Gospel is until we understand how bad our situation is without it. 

the bible

The central and most important teaching in the Bible is the Gospel, the good news of God's gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.

the ten commandments

Sin takes a gift God has given and uses it in a way God does not want it used. Each commandment teaches us to love and honor Him, and to love our neighbors.

The apostles' creed

The Ten Commandments teach us what we ought to do. But the Apostle's Creed tells us what God does for us and gives to us.

the lord's prayer

Prayer is a marvelous privilege from the Lord. He doesn't just invite us to pray; God wants an intimate relationship with us where we talk to Him daily. What a fantastic blessing prayer is! 

holy baptism

In Baptism, God combines water with His life-giving Word so that all who are baptized are born again into His kingdom.


Confession has two parts: First, that we confess our sins; and second, that we receive forgiveness from the pastor as if from God Himself, knowing that our sins are forgiven before God in heaven.

Holy COmmunion

On the journey through our earthly life to heaven, our good and gracious God provides a holy and precious meal to sustain and strengthen us on our pilgrimage—the Lord’s Supper.

family discipleship resources

Love Does for Kids
by Bob Goff  (ages 4-10) $10.19

Everybody Always for Kids
by Bob Goff (ages 6-10)  $10.69

Case for Christ for Kids
by Lee Strobel (ages 8-12) $10 each or $52 for the set of 5

The Wonder of Creation: 100 Devotions for Kids about God and Science 
by Louie Giglio (ages 6-10) $12.38

Friends With God Story Bible: Why God Loves People Like Me 
by Jeff White  (ages 3-7) $19.99

Foundations: 12 Biblical Truths to Shape a Family
by Ruth Chou Simons and Troy Simons $7.99